Joining our team

Our research group is always looking for talented collaborators and researchers. For the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year, we are especially interested in recruiting postdoctoral researchers to our team. For more information, please contact Dr. Weyrich.
Laura Weyrich
Office Phone: (814) 867-0016
Undergraduate Opportunities
Undergraduate researchers are important members of our team. Students interested in microbiomes, oral health, methods development, biology, classics, history, and archaeology are all welcome to apply. No former experience in laboratory methods is required! To apply, please send a brief email to Dr. Laura Weyrich at stating the following:
Do I need any qualifications?
No! We take on students ranging from a wide-range of academic years, although the earlier you contact us, the more possibilities there are! Students from any major and with any GPA are welcome.
How will I be trained?
All undergraduates are paired with a graduate student whose research interests match your own. Depending upon your goals, you can receive training in anything from wet lab methods to using bioinformatic tools. Most of our undergraduates start out with a brief literature review to familiarize themselves with our research topics and methods and then will work with the team to develop a more formalized project.
What would be my responsibilities?
Working in our labs is a weekly commitment of 5-15 hours depending on your availability and project. In addition to working directly with a graduate mentor, you would be invited to attend weekly lab meetings, ancient DNA journal club, and specialized training opportunities. We ask that you commit to at least a 3-month trial period.
Can I work in the ancient DNA Lab?
As an undergraduate researcher, you will have opportunities to work in the historical and modern DNA labs. Shadowing opportunities in the ancient lab may be available for advanced undergraduate researchers.
Do you offer a wage or course credit?
After a 3-month training and trial period, undergraduate students who are a good match for our group may be offered a formal paid position. Credit options can also be discussed with Dr. Weyrich. Your graduate mentor and Dr. Weyrich will also help you submit grant applications to fund your research project!
Do you offer summer opportunities?
Summer research opportunities are available for dedicated students that are working in the team. Typically, undergraduates work on their own research projects over the summer months.
Graduate Opportunities
We are currently accepting graduate students for the 2023-2024 academic cycle. Please check out the PSU Anthropology, Bioinformatics and Genomics, Molecular Cellular Integrative Biosciences, and the Physiology tracks. Please contact Laura for more information about potential projects and ways to collaborate with our team.
Laura Weyrich
Office Phone: (814) 867-0016